Join the Local Business Directory

Part of the mission of the Griffin Neighborhood Association is to "undertake and support projects that benefit our community." We believe the promotion of local businesses is critical to building a sense of community and supporting the individuals and families within our community.

The Griffin Neighborhood Association has begun to assemble an online Local Business Directory to further this goal.

Any business located in or nearby the Griffin area and Steamboat Island peninsula area may be included in our Directory. Any business located elsewhere, if owned or managed by a resident of the Griffin area or Steamboat Island peninsula area, may also be included. To be included, the authorization form at the bottom of this page is to be used.

The current Directory is organized alphabetically, by business name.

Your Free Text Listing

The basic text listing for each business is limited to 5 kinds of text. The business name, phone number, address, email address or web address, and a slogan or brief description of the the nature of the business are typical for this kind of listing.

An Optional Display Advertisement

Businesses are also invited to send complete artwork for a display advertisement at a one-time cost of $10. This artwork is displayed separately from the basic text listing and should, therefore, include all details necessary for a complete display ad. An image with text is commonly expected.

Each business is responsible for creating its own camera-ready artwork for the display ad and providing information to be included in the basic text listing.

The most suitable display ad artwork is no more than about 300 pixels wide. Or, when it's size is set to 300 pixels, it remains legible. Display ad artwork may be mailed to: The Griffin Business Directory, 6341 - 41st Ave NW, Olympia, WA, 98502. Or electronically to Inquiries may be left by voice mail to (360) 358-5215 or using this email address.

If you choose to send a display advertisement, you may choose to pay the $10 fee by check or by credit card, using a secure online transaction on PayPal ($10.61, including PayPal fees). More details will be displayed after you complete the online form below.

Your Display Ad Featured on Our Home Page Slider

Dogwoods Canine Play and Stay in the display slider.

Should you choose a display advertisement, you are also eligible to send an image to appear in the slider on our home page. This is located in the left corner of our home page, right under the masthead. The slider is a rotating series of images. Click on your image and an embedded link takes your potential customer directly to a web page of your choosing. You provide us with an image of 790 x 350 pixels in size, or we can help you to create one. Tell us where you want the embedded link to point, and we’ll run it in our display slider.

The Griffin Neighborhood Association will assume no liability for the accuracy or validity of information provided in this Directory and will have no responsibility for any work performed by a business listed in the Directory, or product or service provided by a business listed in the Directory, or any actions taken by a business listed in this Directory or its owners, employees, or agents.

For more information about how the Griffin Neighborhood Association can help you to find local customers, click here.

Ready to Add Your Business to Our Directory?

To include your business, please complete the online form below. Or, if you prefer, click here to download a paper form you can use instead.

    Your Contact Name* (required)

    Your Contact Email* (required)

    Your Contact Phone Number* (required)

    Your Local Address* (required)

    This address will not be displayed in your listing, unless you repeat it below, as the "Business Address you want displayed"; your local address is the one that makes you eligible to be listed in our Directory.

    Are you purchasing a display advertisement?* (select one)

    No I am not purchasing a display advertisement (Skip the next question)Yes I am purchasing a display advertisement. (Select a means of sending us your display ad by answering the next question below)

    If you have chosen a display advertisement, how will you send your artwork to us (select one)?

    By email to businessdirectory@griffinneighbors.orgBy mail to The Griffin Business Directory. Find our mailing address below

    Any other instructions you want to send us? (optional)

    What information about your business would you would like us to use in the Directory? Everything you fill in below this sentence will appear in the online Directory.

    Business Name you want displayed* (required)

    Business Contact Phone Number you want displayed (optional)

    Business Address you want displayed (optional)

    Business Email you want displayed (optional)

    Business Web Address you want displayed (optional)

    Other Business online contact (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) you want displayed (optional)

    Business Slogan you want displayed (optional)

    If you have chosen to purchase a display advertisement, you may pay the $10 fee either by credit card, using a secure online transaction through PayPal, or you may mail a check directly to us. If you choose to pay online, you will pay $10.00 + $0.80 PayPal fees, for a total of $10.80. You can save the PayPal fees by choosing to pay by check instead.

    To pay $10.80 online, using PayPal, click the Donate button:

    To pay by check, make your check payable to "Griffin Neighborhood Association". On the memo line, add a note indicating this payment is for the "Business Directory".

    The Griffin Business Directory
    6341 - 41st Ave NW
    Olympia, WA, 98502

    Thank you for your support of our local business directory.

    Do you have a web site or do you use social media to promote your business? We want to help you get engaged with local customers. Click here for more information.