Voice Mail
(360) 358-5215
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Electronic mail
General Information: info@griffinneighbors.org
Webmaster: webmaster@griffinneighbors.org
Postal address
Griffin Neighborhood Association
6341 41st Ave NW
Olympia, WA 98502
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Board Membership
The Bylaws of the GNA provide for a Board of between 10 and 17 members in size. Folks owning property or residing within the Griffin School District are eligible to serve on the Board.
The current members of the Board of the Griffin Neighborhood Association:
Jonelle Adams
Nancy Chapman
Paul Frindt
Jan Hopwood
Karen Hurley
Shelley Larsen
Thomas Larsen
Dawn McCain, Vice President
Sharon Parker
Becky Reavis, President
Mike Reavis
Corey Rux
Joan Thomas
Bill Tropp
Dee Tropp, Secretary
Eve Wallin
Biene Wood, Treasurer
Are You Interested in Serving on Our Board?
If you or someone you know are interested in serving on the Board of the GNA, this Board Member FAQ (frequently asked questions) may answer some questions about what it means to work on the Board.
To answer additional questions, or to enter a name into nomination to the Board, contact the GNA directly, by phone or email.
Current Bylaws
Click here to download a copy of the current Bylaws of the Griffin Neighborhood Association.